School opens at 9am, with gate at church car park & main gate opening at 8:55am. Cars can park at the hall car park and church car park, reversing towards the church wall. School also has a drop off system where the child is dropped off at the church gate in a queue system. This is for older children who can leave the car unaided.
School closes at 1:40pm for Junior & Senior Infants and 2:40pm for classes 1st to 6th. Cars can park at the hall, reverse to church wall or parallel park to the school wall which allows pupils to walk safely to their cars by the school wall. Classes infants to 2nd class are collected by an parent / other adult. (Please inform the Class teacher if another person is collecting your child). Classes 3rd to 6th exit the school independently.
School has a healthy eating policy and no chocolate coated products or nuts are allowed in school due to a severe allergy.
Parents wishing to speak to their child’s teacher, please make an appointment with School Secretary, Joan.
All absences must be emailed to Class Teacher and school records these absences on Aladdin. A reason for absence or early departure / late arrival must be also given to Class Teacher and it will be recorded on Aladdin. Please go to front door to collect your child for early departure.
All absences are recorded and the school is obligated to report any absences of 20 + days to TUSLA.
School encourages parents not to take their children on holidays during the settling in period in September (new class, new teacher, new workload, returning to new classroom and home routines) or in May as it is testing time for classes. Classes 1st to 6th are given a Sigma-T (Maths) and Micra-T tests (Literacy)in May. A delay in testing results in a back-up of end of year reports and a delay in reports being sent out to parents.
Please check your child’s hair on a regular basis for head lice, in order to prevent outbreaks occurring.
Drama has begun with Ellie Willoughby on a weekly basis.
School fees. They cover the 24 hour insurance cover, arts & crafts supplies, photocopying, music teacher etc. Direct debit is a great way to make payments.
1 Child €120. 2 payments in Sept. and Feb. of €60 or Direct debit €12 over 10 months 2 Children €240. 2 payments in Sept. and Feb of €120 or Direct debit €24 over 10 months 3 + Children €330. 2 payments in Sept. and Feb. of €165 or Direct debit €33 over 10 months
Payments to school can be made via bank transfer (please include your child’s name) School Name: Annacurra National School. IBAN: IE83BOFI90645124177046
Welcome to our school web site.
St. Brigid's National School, Annacurra, Tinahely, Arklow Co. Wicklow Eircode: Y14TX83 Tel: 0402 36669